Let us tell, what we can do!

Philip Dam
CEO, IT-architect
Our product
BestCustomApps have developed a platform that makes it possible to create informative apps for Android (Google) and iOS (Apple).
An app is built on wireframes that together create a natural transition between windows.
Our platform supports the use of menus, images, audio and video. The app can also link to email systems and websites, and it contains advanced internal references. This makes it possible to quickly switch to related information within the app on other platforms.
BestCustomApps has developed a template that enables our Partners to disseminate information and a tool that helps Partners ensure data is placed correctly in a pre-outlined folder structure and that internal references between windows are correct.
This makes it easy for Partners to quickly collect and validate data from their customers before the daata is passed on to BestCustomApps for final packaging.
Customers can personalise their product. You can make a complete list of the fonts, sizes and colours for almost all parts of the app. The customer also supplies the special icons, their own start picture and app icon (the icon for the app on mobile and tablet screens).
The functionality of the individual app (the design showing how to navigate between individual pages in the app) is usually created in close collaboration between the customer, Partner and BestCustomApps. Technical implementation of this functionality will then be completed by one of our app designers. The functionality and data from the customer/Partner together form the basis of the final app.
Our customer/Partner will test the final app and approve the final product before the app is transferred to GooglePlay and AppStore (Apple) in a beta version. Following this, the client/Partner will be able again to validate the content and design.
Once approved by the customer, the app will be submitted for approval by Google and Apple so it can be sold via their respective app stores.