Which of these apply to you?
Are you a copyright holder?
Give more people access to your publications - publish your work in an app, reach an entirely new target group and make money from doing so!
Sign up as a BestCustomApps Partner
Contact us to find out more about becoming a Partner. Our business model benefits both copyright holders and our Partners.
Wacabanga publishes apps based on our platform…
…to share knowledge about nature interactively and in a user-friendly way.
Partner strategy
Working with BestCustomApps is easy and straightforward for authors, copyright holders and Partners alike
Everyone has a clearly defined role, and together we ensure a successful business model
- Liaises with Partners
- Plans development and production of the solution together with Partners
- Plans ongoing technological development of the platform
Copyright holder
- Owns the digital rights to the material
- Edits the material to match templates prepared by BestCustomApps
- Works with the copyright holder
- Plans the app content and required functionality in collaboration with the copyright holder and BestCustomApps
- Assists the copyright holder by checking the lay-out of the material and delivering edited material to BestCustomApps
- Markets the apps
- Manages contracts and payments to the copyright holder
Why choose BestCustomApps?
- Together we can generate income from material that would otherwise be too expensive to publish.
- Via their network, Partners can generate income by assisting copyright holders with e.g. editing services and marketing
- Developing an app to present large amounts of material can easily cost between DKK 300,000 – 750,000 (EUR 40,000 – 100,000).
- We can do it for as little as DKK 0 via a risk-free financing model.
- We can produce multilingual informational apps
- We guarantee
- Quick production and delivery
- High quality based on a tried and tested platform
- Templates to describe the app and its contents
- A program to check the material and ensure consistency and completeness
- Possibility of co-financing following an assessment of the potential of the material
- Runs on
- Apple iPhone and iPad
- Google Android phone and tablet
Why choose BestCustomApps?
Simple process
Managed by BestCustomApps
Material supplied by
- copyright holder
- possible editing by Partner
Created in collaboration with BestCustomApps,
Partner and copyright holder
Upload and statistics
Managed by BestCustomApps